Lunchtime Facelift

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Necktastic Rejuvenation Package with PDO Threads and Radiesse Injections

Are you looking for a non-surgical way to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance? Consider our Lunchtime Facelift, also known as the Necktastic Rejuvenation Package, offered by Dr. Gregory Thompson at our clinic in Dothan, AL.

Lunchtime Facelift

This innovative treatment combines the use of smooth and lifting PDO Threads with Radiesse regenerative injections to provide natural-looking results that can mimic the effects of a facelift, but without the need for surgery.

What is a Lunchtime Facelift?

Our Lunchtime Facelift, also known as the Necktastic Rejuvenation Package, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that offers a convenient and effective way to achieve a more youthful appearance. This treatment involves the use of PDO Threads, which are absorbable sutures made of a biocompatible material that is commonly used in surgical procedures. The PDO Threads are inserted into the skin using a minimally invasive technique to lift and tighten sagging skin, particularly in the lower face and neck area. Additionally, Radiesse regenerative injections are used to stimulate collagen production and add volume to the treated areas, further enhancing the overall rejuvenating effects.

Benefits of a Lunchtime Facelift


 Unlike a traditional facelift, our Lunchtime Facelift does not require surgery, general anesthesia, or lengthy downtime. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be done during a lunch break or in a short amount of time, allowing you to resume your daily activities quickly.

Natural-looking results

The use of PDO Threads and Radiesse injections can provide natural-looking results, as they work to lift, tighten, and volumize the skin in a subtle and harmonious way. The results can be tailored to your unique facial anatomy and desired outcome.

Less risk and complications

Compared to a surgical facelift, the risks, and complications associated with our Lunchtime Facelift are generally minimal. PDO Threads are absorbed by the body over time, and Radiesse is an FDA-approved dermal filler with a well-established safety profile.

Long-lasting effects

The effects of a Lunchtime Facelift can last for several months to a year, depending on various factors such as the type of PDO Threads used and the individual's response to the treatment. This means you can enjoy the benefits of a more youthful appearance for an extended period of time.

FAQs about Lunchtime Facelift

  • How Is a Lunchtime Facelift Different From a Traditional Facelift?

    A Lunchtime Facelift is a non-surgical procedure that uses PDO Threads and Radiesse injections to lift, tighten, and volumize the skin, while a traditional facelift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissues. A Lunchtime Facelift requires minimal downtime and is generally less invasive compared to a traditional facelift.

  • Is the Lunchtime Facelift Painful?

    Discomfort during the procedure is usually minimal, as local anesthesia is used to numb the treatment area. Some patients may experience mild soreness or swelling after the treatment, but it is typically well-tolerated and resolves on its own within a few days.

  • How Long Does a Lunchtime Facelift Take?

    The actual treatment time for a Lunchtime Facelift can vary depending on the extent of the treatment and individual factors, but it typically takes about 30-60 minutes to complete.

  • What Is the Recovery Time for a Lunchtime Facelift?

    One of the advantages of a Lunchtime Facelift is that it requires minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment, although some temporary swelling or bruising may occur and resolve within a few days.

  • How Long Do the Results of a Lunchtime Facelift Last?

    The duration of the results can vary depending on factors such as the type of PDO Threads used and individual response to the treatment. Typically, the effects of a Lunchtime Facelift can last several months to a year or more, but maintenance treatments may be needed to maintain the results over time.

  • Am I a Good Candidate for a Lunchtime Facelift?

    A Lunchtime Facelift may be suitable for individuals who are seeking a non-surgical option to address mild to moderate signs of facial sagging, such as sagging skin in the lower face and neck area. It is important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory Thompson to determine if you are a good candidate based on your unique needs and medical history.

If you desire a more youthful and refreshed appearance without the need for surgery, our Lunchtime Facelift, also known as the Necktastic Rejuvenation Package, may be the ideal solution. Dr. Gregory Thompson in Dothan, AL, offers this innovative treatment using PDO Threads and Radiesse injections to lift, tighten, and volumize the skin, providing natural-looking results with minimal downtime. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about this rejuvenating treatment option.